Hand Arm Vibration Awareness Training - 1/2 day

This Hand Arm Vibration course is designed for operatives or managers and supervisors in charge of operatives that use tools that cause vibration such as drills, chisels, hammer drills and breakers.

From £68.40 Booking

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Hand Arm Vibration Awareness Training - 1/2 day

Accredited by:Courtley Health & Safety Ltd

  • No dates

Hand arm vibration awareness training teaches candidates how to prevent the long term accumulative injuries caused as a result of operating vibrating equipment such as drills and hammers.

As an employer you are responsible for ensuring any worker who is using tools which could expose them to hand arm vibration injuries are taking the proper preventative measures. From providing the correct safety equipment to limiting usage. It is your duty to protect workers against two of the most common problems. Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS) and Carpel Tunnel Syndrome (CTS).

Course Content:

  • Control of Vibration at Work Regulations etc;
  • What is HAVS;
  • Manufacturers’ data;
  • How standards are improving;
  • A look at guidance;
  • Measurements (ISO 5349);
  • Time of use;
  • The risks and symptoms of use;
  • Calculations;
  • Control measures which should be in place;
  • Keeping warm and dry. Through clothing and gloves;
  • Keeping equipment well maintained;
  • Avoid smoking;
  • Performing health surveillance.